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ALGEBRA BLENDED LEARNING LESSON | Function Operations | Digital Learning

Original price was: $6.95.Current price is: $5.00.

Algebra Accents Blended Learning Lesson Plans include links to the following:

  • Warm-up (Google Form) 2-5 problems
  • Guided Practice (Google Form) 4-10 problems
  • Video Tutorial: Function Operations 5-15 minutes
  • Independent Practice (Google Form) 10-20 problems
  • Exit Ticket (Google Form) 1-3 problems

*Click on the free video tutorial above to see the level of difficulty of the problems in this lesson.

Duration of Lesson: approximately 45-60 minutes

With the movement towards personalized learning in education, I am currently in the development phase of converting my classroom into a Blended Learning classroom using Google Classroom as my LMS (learning management system). I am incorporating the flipped learning model by creating video tutorials to accompany guided practice assignments via Google Forms.

To give you an idea of my typical 55 minute class period, here’s how I plan each class.

Opening Procedure (5-10 minutes): Students log into Google Classroom and begin the Daily Warm-up which is around 2-5 problems via Google Forms.

Guided Instruction and Practice (10-20 minutes): Students watch a video tutorial and take notes in their journal, pausing the video as needed. They open the Guided Practice in another tab and respond/follow along with the problems in the video. If students have prior knowledge, they can choose to skip watching the video and attempt the Guided Practice. Some will then decide if they need to go back and watch the video tutorial and some will be able to complete the guided practice successfully without the video. Students submit the Google Form as evidence that they either watched the video and took notes or had prior knowledge of the content.

Independent Practice (10-20 minutes): Students will demonstrate their level of understanding by completing the Independent Practice. The problems in the independent practice is similar to the guided practice problems. The independent practice is auto-graded (based on percentage correct) to allow students to track their progress. Students who do not complete the Independent Practice in class can finish for homework. Google Forms will not save answers that have not been submitted and only fully completed forms can be submitted. Students should always record their answers and show their work in their journals as good math practice and doing so will help to avoid having to redo problems that are not saved/submitted by the end of the class period.

Closing Procedures (5-10 minutes): If time permits, I have students answer a 1-2 problem Exit Ticket to demonstrate their level of understanding at the end of each class. The results from the exit tickets help to determine who may need additional instructional support the following day through small group or 1:1 pull-out instruction.

Using a blended learning model with flipped learning video instruction allows (me) the teacher to have 30-40 minutes daily to work with small groups, incorporate 1:1 pull-out instruction and/or conduct individual student-teacher goal-setting conferences while the majority of the class works on Guided or Independent Practice.

To easily incorporate this product, teachers should be proficient with:

  • Google Classroom
  • Google Drive
  • Google Forms


© Copyright Marie De Los Reyes, “Algebra Accents.”

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