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BACK TO SCHOOL | First Day of School Algebra Brochure EDITABLE

Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $2.00.

Whether you are a first year Algebra teacher or a veteran Algebra teacher, one of the most important things to establish on the first day of school is your classroom rules and procedures. Every highly successful teacher has an effective classroom management plan in place. This is my first day of class “Welcome to Algebra” handout. I place this brochure on the student desks before the bells (some years I’ve passed them out at the door as I welcome the students in).

The brochure serves many purposes:

1- minimizes student anxiety by reducing “first day awkwardness” by giving them something to read while waiting for everyone to take a seat

2- sets the tone that there will always be something to do upon arriving to your class like a warm-up

3- allows students to easily follow along and annotate as you go over the classroom rules and procedures with the class

4- provides an outline for you when going over these important topics with your class ensuring you don’t leave something out

5- can be used as a take home document for parents

This is an EDITABLE PowerPoint with 9 different designs. Basic PowerPoint skills are required for editing.


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© Copyright 2017 Marie De Los Reyes, “Algebra Accents.”

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